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Lollipop, Lollipop, Oh Lolli, Lollipop 


25 years ago I was approached to take on a couple of mules in training. That was the beginning of my love affair with mules, especially the dun molly known as Lollipop (formerly known as Daisy). I had Lolli in training for two summers but a lameness problem sidelined her at 24 years old. Lolli and I had competed at countless horse shows in those two years together and had many wins including year- end high point awards in versatility, gymkhana and performance. I kept her at my place at no charge for a long time but eventually sent her home where I assumed she’d be looked after. Her then owner decided to dump her at the Ponoka Auction where she was purchased by a meat buyer, luckily some friends of mine were in attendance and let me know. So, in the spring of 2000, I was able to acquire Lollipop and intended to give her the retirement home that she deserved.


The one thing that I didn’t count on was that the little molly Mule would eventually overcome her lameness and would continue to excel in the show ring. She was part of an all Mule Musical Drill Team that performed annually at the Tees Longears Days. Lollipop was crowned Champion Performance Mule at Tees Longears Days for the three years in a row. She was also part of demos at Spruce Meadows several times and would have been a key member of Team Mule in the Battle of the Breeds had she not had the lameness problem because she had the ability to compete in all 5 events.


Lolli had a wonderful job assisting in my Equine Assisted Psychotherapy program. She was often referred to as the “Gate Crasher” or “Mrs. Pushy Pants” because she quickly learned that our clients were lacking in their abilities to define boundaries.

For the last 10 years she enjoyed the good life, she was still in pretty good shape other than losing her peripheral vision earning her the most recent nickname of “Mrs. Magoo”. I am beyond grateful to have been blessed to have the companionship of this wonderful equine for 25 of her 42 years. She will be sorely missed.

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