About this Site

This site's purpose is to address the many questions and concerns that mule or donkey owners, or those that might be contemplating ownership need to know in order to establish a healthy, safe and happy relationship that is mutual for equine and human.
We have gathered together relevant information on these highly intelligent and wonderful equines that should help with the raising, care and training of these often misunderstood members of the equine family. Much of the information here is also applicable to horses.
Please browse through the many articles we have collected to add to your ''equine tool box.'' It is so much easier to make progress once we truly understand how the equine mind and body work and how we can develop a relationship with them that is both fascinating and rewarding. We also have HELPFUL LINKS to some other great helpful sites.
Please consider joining the Facebook Group '' Everything Donkeys and Mules '' to keep up to date on News and Happenings in the LONGEARS WORLD. You must answer the questions and read and agree to the Group Rules to join but you will open up a whole world of long ear enthusiasts to connect with.
We look forward to helping you on this journey of discovery, If you have information or an article that you feel would add to this site, please pm through the Facebook page.
The inspiration and funding for this site is provided by someone whose mission it is to protect and promote mules and donkeys and to help educate those that own them or are considering ownership…